29% of our residents in the East Valley are over the age of 50! Let’s celebrate our Senior Citizens by volunteering with About Care! As summer is here, please remember that many of these individuals are low-income and isolated. Let’s honor them by helping within our community. About Care would encourage the residents of the Southeast Valley in Maricopa County to join us and give of their time and energy to assist many of our neighbors who might not have friends and family close by. Maybe you are looking for something wonderful to do with your children or would like to adopt a grandparent. And the best thing is, you can help your community when convenient to you, you pick how much you want to volunteer, what services you would like to provide, and who you would like to provide them for. We realize people are busy, so we let you make all the decisions relating to your volunteering with About Care.
American Seniors are facing a crisis to meet its basic needs, especially during the Pandemic. Millions of older adults, who live in areas without accessible transportation to utilize public/ride-sharing transportation, face isolation, lack of proper nutrition and medication. This aging population is growing exponentially, and, in many cases, these seniors lack the social supports to rely on assistance from friends or family.
About Care’s Mission is to deliver caring, compassionate support services using trained volunteers with special concern for the elderly and disabled homebound residents of the East Valley. About Care was created because of the need to assist the elderly and disabled residents with services that enable them to remain in their homes, meet their basic needs, reduce isolation, and live with self respect and dignity while encouraging independence. About Care’s program also postpones the expense of long-term care.

Many requests to About Care for services are for assistance with medical appointments or procedures. About Care also offers assistance for shopping and errands, respite, reassurance phone calls, and minor home repairs. All services are provided without charge by trained and insured volunteers — compassionate, caring individuals who want to make a difference in someone’s life by offering their time. About Care is looking for volunteers with big hearts who really want to help others. For more information or to obtain a volunteer application, visit www.aboutcare.org. As the pandemic continues, we ensure the health and welfare for the neighbors we serve and our volunteers.
Also, you may want to consider making an end of the year donation which is tax deductible About Care qualifies as an Arizona State Charitable Tax Credit Organization, Code 201643, and is listed with the Secretary of State’s office. Individuals may deduct $400 and married couples may deduct $800 from their Arizona State Income Tax owed at the end of the year. About Care’s Tax ID is #34-2047687. All donations are welcome and appreciated. A receipt will be sent immediately for your tax filing. Donate Now!